Life’s Beginnings

When a human life begins is a touchy topic for those in support of abortion. If a human life begins from the moment of conception, an abortion clearly ends this life, eectively nullifying most pro- choice arguments. If an abortion does not just ‘extract’ or ‘terminate’ a ‘clump of cells’ or ‘tissue’ but

ends, through violence, the life of an innocent human person, it is clearly morally inexcusable.

Scientifically, in accord with biological research, life begins at conception. The American College of Pediatricians states:

“human life begins at conception—fertilization. At fertilization, the human being emerges as a whole, genetically distinct, individuated zygotic living human organism, a member of the species Homo sapiens, needing only the proper environment in order to grow and develop. The dierence between

the individual in its adult stage and in its zygotic stage is one of form, not nature.

Embryologists worldwide assert that the single fertilized cell, when the sperm and egg have combined to make it genetically unique, is alive. This single cell duplicates in a coordinated manner to carry on the development of a human being. If this embryo’s life is not a human one, then what is it?

Even this tiny single cell is a new being, a new person. Those who advocate for abortion on the basis of ‘my body, my choice’, clearly are not proficient in this basic biology - that the fetus is a genetically unique individual, and so its own unique body. By pro-choice logic, then, this baby must also be entitled to its own choice, and should not be subject to destruction by the decision of another.

Legal entities are in dispute about where to recognise the developing baby as a human person. Many try to define personhood by ‘viability’, that is, when a baby could survive on its own, outside the mother. As medical technology advances, ‘viability’ of a child gets earlier and earlier, with hospitals regularly saving babies born as early as 21-22 weeks. Other states prohibit abortion as soon as a heartbeat can be detected, which is typically 8-10 weeks into pregnancy. While these laws to protect

babies earlier are a step in the right direction, we did not become human beings when we can survive outside our mother, or when our heart begins to beat. We were a genetically unique, living individual from the moment of our conception.

When a late term-abortion takes place, it is clear to see that the baby in the womb has a survival instinct, tragically shying away from the abortionist's pliers - but, of course, it has nowhere to go. We cannot hear the silent screams of the unborn. We do not feel the pain of being pulled apart, limb from limb. The procedure of a late-term abortion, when described, sounds like the stu of nightmares, and rightly so. However, it is a nightmare that is happening every day across America. Again, if that moving, living being in a mother’s womb is not a human being, then what is it?

Human life begins at conception, and as said by Dr Seuss “a person is a person, no matter how small.” We must protect our most vulnerable members of society, and speak for and defend those who themselves. We must protect the innocent and weak. We must protect the unborn.


Grief and Healing: Normalizing the Guilt of Abortion (July ‘23)


Artificial Intelligence: A Tool, Not a Replacement (May ‘23)