Get Educated

Are you pro-choice? Why is that? Do you know what your choices actually look like should you ever experience an unplanned pregnancy?

Are you pro-life? Why is that? Do you know what it looks like to protect and revere life in a death culture?

Did you know a majority of Americans don’t know what happens during an abortion?

As the first generation in 50 years growing up in a world without Roe - we owe it to ourselves and our communities to be educated on an issue as divisive and impactful as this.

When you face our oversaturated news media and socialization, assure you are armed with information on issues like abortion in order to draw meaningful conclusions. Not conditioned conclusions.

Here’s a quick reading list from Beat Connection that can help:

“Sister Paula Vandegaer: The Life and Legacy of Service and Protecting the Unborn”

This biography on Sister Paula Vandegaer, in whom we draw much of our mission from here at Beat Connection, summarizes not only her life-saving efforts in the movement but her philosophy on abortion and women in crisis.


by Abby Johnson

Read this first-hand account of the abortion industry by Abby Johnson who during her career as a Planned Parenthood director administered thousands of abortions.

“The Hand of God: A Journey from Death to Life by The Abortion Doctor Who Changed His Mind”

By Bernard Nathanson

Knowing about Bernard Nathanson and what he did for the early pro-choice movement is essential in understanding the discourse today.

“Real Abortion”

by Janet Morana

Recall Abortion by Janet Morana is a riveting read highlighting what the abortion industry tries to hide, namely the detrimental effects abortion has on women. It’s essential and eye-opening for our fighting abortion in our current social climate.