Their Life Matters

Mother Teresa, an nun who is infamous for her work with the poor and dying in the slums of India, was once asked why the U.S. had not yet had a female president. She promptly replied “because she was probably aborted.”

How many people impact our lives every day? The number is countless. Our closest friend, our parents, our partner, even the barista that makes our daily coffee all make a notable difference in our lives, and in constituting our happiness.

Humans are social animals. We are meant to work together and help each other, and in this day and age, the advancements of technology, science, and medicine are available on an incredible scope, for each person to take advantage of. Never before has the world been so small, and individual progress so available to helping the lives of others. But what about those individuals who have not been able to live, flourish, and help our world? What about the victims of abortion?

Every day, 2,363 abortions happen in America. That’s over 2,000 people who could have been leaders, doctors, social workers, religious, activists, teachers, and parents. That’s also over 2,000 women, every day, who after an abortion, are at a greater risk for negative psychological side effects. Each one of these abortions is a tragedy.

It is sometimes difficult to understand large numbers and what their impacts really mean. Let us look at one single example, that is, the person of Christ, or of baby Jesus, and His mother, Mary. If there was no Jesus, there could be no savior, no redemption, and no Christianity. God’s plan for our salvation would be completely wrecked. And for Mary, teenage women, unmarried at the time of miraculous conception, pregnancy would not have been easy. In this way, the bravery of one woman helped lead to the salvation of the world.

In another address, Mother Teresa stated:

“By abortion, the mother does not learn to love, but kills even her own child to solve her problems. And by abortion, the father is told that he does not have to take any responsibility at all for the child he has brought into the world. That father is likely to put other women into the same trouble. So abortion just leads to more abortion. Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching the people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. That is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.”

With every child that is aborted, a life and its potential to impact the world is lost. Furthermore, as Mother Teresa states, with every abortion comes a reinforcement of a culture of abortion, which does not value the gift that every person has to give. Let us work for an end to abortion, and hope for the betterment of our world which will come with it.

 Psychological Consequences of Abortion among the Post Abortion Care Seeking Women in Tehran - PMC (

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“If Society Denies the Mother’s Loss, Her Body Does Not”


Grateful for Her: Loving Mothers Through Gratitude (November ‘23)