The Walk for Life 2023 (January ‘23)

On January 22nd, people of all backgrounds flooded the Civic Center Square in San Francisco, preparing to march for love of the unborn. College students, children, the elderly, all ages and many cultures in their variety and beauty were represented and celebrated. However, they all had one thing in common. They were all pro-life.

The Walk for Life is an annual event in San Francisco, and an opportunity for those on the west-coast to participate in a march similar to the major pro-life activist event, the March for Life in Washington D.C. Participants hold a rally in the Civic Center, then march through the streets of downtown San Francisco, ending at the Embarcadero Plaza.

The Walk is an incredible opportunity to show support for the unborn children, as well as women who may be contemplating an abortion, helping them realize that they are not alone, and have options besides ending a life. Beginning the walk, participants sang and chanted, ‘pro-woman, pro-life,’ as a testament to this support. The National Anthem was added to the repertoire, representing how those who are pro-life stand with Americans past, present, and future, and that we are a society who wishes that future to be protected. For the participants themselves, walking with thousands who share your belief that life begins at conception and is worth protecting is also inspiring and encouraging for all, and an empowering experience in our very vocal ‘pro-choice’ culture.

The excitement and hope in the air of the Walk was palpable. This particular Walk was very special, as it is the first Walk for Life held since Roe v. Wade was overturned in June of last year. The participants chanted, 'Ho ho, hey hey, Roe v. Wade went away,' as an expression of this triumph, and the atmosphere was one of celebration.

A new wave of hope and encouragement was present not only among those participating in the Walk but also all of those who are pro-life today. The truth of the value of life and the necessity to protect that life from conception is legally being recognized in our country. The eorts of the pro-life movement and the support it gives to women, is saving lives and reversing the tide of our laws and our culture. Life is precious. It begins at conception, and thus it should be valued, protected and loved from conception. This truth, that all life, especially that of the unborn, is loved, was shown clearly at the Walk for Life. Thanks to those who participated, and all of those who are pro-life, this truth is being joyfully shown to our culture, and will hopefully one day penetrate the hearts of all.


A Grown-Up Birthday (February ‘23)