No Love Greater: The Impossible Strength of a Mother’s Love (October ‘23)

There is no love greater, more protective, or more pure than the love a mother has for her child. This love, created by the bond between a mother and child is powerful in its very nature, and even on a physical level, no other relationship is so completely close. The security, protection and guidance a mother gives to her child is what most essentially shapes her child’s life, and is perhaps the most important element in forming the child’s whole person.

From their conception, a mother gives so much of themselves to their child. While they are developing inside the womb, every single element the child needs for growth is directly given to them by their mother. The mother gives her very own energy, oxygen and nutrients to her baby. No greater example of a more giving relationship, consisting of the gift of the mother’s very self, can exist. In an almost miraculous and mysterious way, one body knits another. Even after the baby is born, the mother continues to give their very body to their child by their breast milk, a perfect, complete and whole food for their baby, which again they entirely produce. What the mother provides for her child, by the gift of her body in these ways is clearly an incredible act of marvelous generosity and love.

Nurturing a child, however, comes in many forms besides just the physical. A human brain grows the most within the first five years of life, and many pathways which dictate the rest of the child’s future development are laid down during this time. This initial development includes the foundations for health, behavioral patterns and learning, and so will greatly impact the rest of the child’s life. Whether the child will be naturally disposed to handle situations and challenges that come their way, or will have trauma to work through to handle these same situations well, seems to be determined in part by their early life. A mother is thus critical in this early period. Their emotional availability and guidance help to show the child they are safe and loved, and how to react well to whatever life brings. This security, love and guidance will help lay the foundations for the child’s future life and happiness. A mother’s nurturing love and support is thus paramount for the child’s emotional health and


The love of a mother is further shown by her naturally protective instincts. We’ve heard many stories of mothers lifting cars o their trapped children, and in dangerous situations, ‘mama bear’ instincts seem to be no joke. Children, including the unborn, are the most naturally vulnerable people on the planet, and, if left alone, are not able to keep themselves from harm. Children, from conception until almost adolescence, rely on their mothers as their final layer of protection. A child is not only dependent on their mother for their physical and emotional needs, but also for their protection against a world they don’t yet understand. A mother helps their child when they cannot help themselves. A mother’s love is thus also expressed through the safety in which she keeps her child.

A mother’s love for her child is a great and constant sacrifice. From giving her very own body and physical sustenance, her constant emotional energies to nurture her child, as well as being an important protection and voice for them in the outside world, her love is defined by self-giving. How can it be possible to be ungrateful to our mothers, and to all mothers, who have done so much for us,

and for the future citizens of the world?


Grateful for Her: Loving Mothers Through Gratitude (November ‘23)


Heroic Pregnancies: Pursuing Dreams and Continuing Pregnancy (September ‘23)