Choices and Consequences (April ‘23)

All choices have consequences. If we choose to eat ice cream instead of exercising, or take a nap instead of cleaning the house, these seem to be generally bad choices that we will regret later, however the consequences are not impossible, or even very dicult, to recover from.

Many choices, however, are life-altering, and have consequences which can change the course of our future. These decisions, such as which religion or moral code to follow, who to marry, and what career to choose are choices which will most likely shape our lives and characters. The consequences we suer from life-altering unwise choices can have lasting negative impacts on our lives, which can be very dicult to recover from. This is true of divorce, which often requires extensive emotional healing for those involved. With particularly wrong choices in our lives, the regret we experience as a consequence of that choice can sometimes last a lifetime.

Often, this kind of regret comes from a missed opportunity. The opportunity to reconnect with a friend or heal a relationship with a loved one, to apologize, to forgive, to say yes to a first date, are all opportunities for love, which universally leads to a fulfilling and happy life. Pregnancy is a similar opportunity - the opportunity to welcome, support and love an innocent human life. Even if one does not have the resources to support a child, carrying a pregnancy to its term is a great act of love for this new life.

Abortion ends a human life. Ending a life is a major, life-altering decision, and for many women, it has lasting consequences. Dr Priscilla Coleman, professor of human development and family studies, states “There are in fact some real risks associated with abortion that should be shared with women.” These risks include depression, anxiety, alcohol abuse and a score of other mental traumas, not to mention the physical risks that come with abortion.

Abortion is thus not only harmful to the unborn child, but harmful to the woman involved, who is more likely to suer emotionally in association with an abortion.

So often women are pressured into ending the life of their baby because of fears of lack or support or a loss of educational opportunity. However, there are countless stories of women making the brave decision to continue their pregnancy and also their education or career. This is not impossible, and the choice between keeping a child’s life and continuing in your dreams and life goals is not always an either/or decision. The pro-life movement wishes to ensure that no woman is alone, or without help.

Pregnancy is an opportunity to love. And in true love, there are no regrets.


Artificial Intelligence: A Tool, Not a Replacement (May ‘23)


The Pursuit of Happiness (March ‘23)